

Enter the two or three digit number on a capacitor and the capacitance value is calculated. function cap_calc(){ var calc=document.getElementById(‘capform’); var capnum=calc.capnum.value; var capval=new String(“”); if (capnum=1000) { var capval=”Invalid Number Code Entered”; } else { var prefix = Math.floor(capnum/10) var suffix = capnum-10*prefix; if (suffix


After a fresh install of Ubuntu and media software and codecs, a little more work is required to start ripping and burning DVDs. Below is a guide to get you started using Brasero (the CD/DVD burning application included with Ubuntu) and an application called K9Copy, which is similar to the once popular program DVD Shrink


One of my recent projects required me to convert a time-lapse video of a microscope slide to a sequence of JPEGs so I could analyze these JPEGs using imageJ. To accomplish the conversion I used my iMac running OS X and FFmpeg, a freely available image and video conversion program. I ran the following command


The code below demonstrates a short Perl function that takes an array as an argument and returns the average of this array. #!/usr/bin/perl sub average { my @array = @_; # save the array passed to this function my $sum; # create a variable to hold the sum of the array’s values foreach (@array) {


The code below presents the basic structure of a Perl script that reads the columns of a tab-delineated text file and saves each column to a separate data array that can then be used to for additional processing. The code is set up to process a data file with two columns of data (x and