Although it creates bulky AVI files, MATLAB can relatively easily make movies of animated figures. The code below prototypes how this is done.
% define the number of frames in your movie
numberOfFrames = 1200;
% use a loop to generate frames of the movie
for ii = 1:numberOfFrames
% insert code to update data to be plotted
% plot data
figure(1); clf;
% insert code to format plot any way you want
drawnow; % force the plot to be displayed
M(ii) = getframe(1); % save figure 1 as an element of
% a movie object called M
% use the movie2avi function to save the movie
% there are several parameters you can specify
% the only one usually worth messing with is
% frames per second (fps)
% 20 fps will make this 1200 frame movie 60 s long
movie2avi(M, 'filename', 'fps', 20);
I hope this helps. The AVI will probably be over a GB in size. Use handbrake or ffmpeg to convert the movie made by MATLAB to a more compressed format like MP4.
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I’m new to matlab. Im trying to make a movie using this function
F(x)=x^2 * e^(-x/4)
could you help me with his
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Mike – Do you mean you want to make a movie of this function being plotted? Try something like this:
% before movie for loop define the range of x values to be plotted and an empty y vector
x = 0:0.1:100;
% in the movie for loop update the y vector with the next element to be plotted where ii is the index of the iteration through the loop currently being run
temp = x(ii)^2 * exp(-x(ii)/4);
y = [y temp];
% then plot x vs. y and repeat.